Before taking on the production of airsoft BBs, BLS was established in 1991 as a specialist in the precision grinding of jewellery. For that industry, high-precision means luxury, but for airsoft BBs, it means performance.
In 1996, BLS switched to the production of BBs as the hobby of airsoft was quickly rising in popularity throughout Taiwan, Japan, and Europe. Three decades on, the brand has cemented itself at the top of the business, as the go-to name for serious airsoft players who want not only performance, but quality and reliability: BBs that will strike an opponent, without defects disrupting accuracy or worse – breakages causing misfires and filling up a gun with debris. BLS, by its earned reputation, has caused a shift in the needs of players – a cheap bag of BBs just doesn’t cut it for most anymore, a level of supply and demand BLS works overtime to keep up with!
If you don’t recognise BLS from the shelves of your local airsoft shop, we recommend checking the bags of their ‘premium’ ammo: there are numerous names of which BLS are the OEM for.